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Aug 12, 2024

Shepherd, Linda Evans - Advanced Writers and Speakers Association {Praying Through Hard Times} ***CPE SUMMER 2024***

Shepherd, Linda Evans - Advanced Writers and Speakers Association {Praying Through Hard Times} ***CPE SUMMER 2024***

Speaker: Bob Crittenden

Series: Faith Radio

Category: Faith Radio, Faith Radio Podcast, CPE, The Meeting House

Keywords: books, praying, shepherd

Guest: Linda Evans Shepherd

Organization: Right to the Heart Ministries, of which the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) is an extension

Position: CEO

Topics: Golden Scroll Awards and Christian Market Book Awards + book: Praying Through Hard Times: How to Give Your Worries to God and Rediscover Hope

Interview Location: Christian Product Expo Summer 2024 Show in Ft. Wayne, IN
