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May 17, 2022

Cochran, Kelvin - Alliance Defending Freedom {Facing the Fire} ***NRB 2022***

Cochran, Kelvin - Alliance Defending Freedom {Facing the Fire} ***NRB 2022***

Speaker: Bob Crittenden

Series: Faith Radio

Category: Faith Radio, NRB, Faith Radio Podcast, The Meeting House

Keywords: fire, alliance, nrb, cochran

Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Faith Initiatives at Alliance Defending Freedom, Kelvin Cochran, who once served as Atlanta Fire Chief, who was terminated from that position as the result of his writing of a book on Biblical manhood, discussed his experience and lessons learned. He is the author of the book, Facing the Fire: The Faith That Brought “America’s Fire Chief” Through the Flames of Persecution.  The ADF website is